How to design a Sustainable Home for FREE
Architect-designed full Plans, Elevations, Sections and Schedules, ready for you to start building
As I write this post, Australia is burning. This beautiful, abundant country I have been calling home for 6 now years is going through such a tough, stressful, and sad time. We live in a state of emergency and for all of us, the future is uncertain.We have lost so much already and my heart goes to all those who have been affected by this crisis.Many of us are asking: Is this due to climate change?
The environmental crisis
Here is an extract form NSW Government"Understanding the impacts of climate change on bushfire risk is important, as bushfires affect communities and the environment. Fire, however, is complex. The risk of bushfire in any given place depends on:
vegetation – there needs to be enough vegetation (fuel)
dryness - the fuel needs to be dry enough to burn
weather - the weather needs to be favourable for fire to spread
ignition source - the fire needs something to start it
For a fire to occur, all four of these conditions must be met. Climate change is expected to impact them in different ways."Regardless of the cause of the fires, we can’t deny the negative impact they will have on our environment and our future.We, as designers and home owners have the power to make a change, as small as it might be, to try and create a better future for the next generations, through what we build.
Free Passive House Plans
The Australian government has a website called Your Home. You home is a comprehensive guide to the design principles and features that add value to your home and reduce its environmental impact. It is great for anyone you wants to buy, renovate or build a home. The website has all the information you need but you can also buy the book for $38.50.Your home offers full sets of architect-designed house documentation, for free.The Designs achieve a minimum of 7 stars NatHERS energy ratings, 3 designs are available to download:
3 bedroom+ study
3 bedroom + study with courtyard
2 bedroom + study
In my opinion, they are great floorplans: spacious, practical, open and really well designed.You can use them as is or as the start off point to create your own sustainable home.
Free Specifications for you Climate House
Not only do you get the full set of plans ready to give to your builder, but you can also download the full specifications of Materials & Finishes that suit your climate zone.
Disclaimer and Approvals
Take it from someone who deals with council every day for approvals, they are not easy to get! The website stipulates that the plans may need to be modified to comply with local government requirements, but the plans are quite adaptable.I would like to think if you lodge to Council a design that has been created by the Government, they would be more inclined to approve it.
Here are all the links you need to get more information
Website : Homepage
Book: Here
House design: Here
Free Documentations: Here
It’s it such a great initiative from governments to give people free access to sustainable home design. Architecture should be accessible to all, especially when it serves a greater purpose.If you are outside of Australia, ask your council is they have something similar. The only one I know of is The Sustainable Home Design Plans, created by the City of Phoenix, Arizona.
PIN ME & SAVE ME FOR LATER!Please let me know in the comments if you know of any others initiatives! And if you already have a home and looking at ways to be more eco-conscious, my post on 5 steps to a more eco-conscious home. is a must read!Want to get more tips? Join the fam’ to receive weekly tips and trick on how to design for a better life and as a bonus, you’ll also get my 5 step fool proof formula to turn your house in to a home.Photo credit: all images are from the Your Home Website