How to Transform your Home into a Peaceful Sanctuary

Shut your front door and forget the outside world

I have said it before and I’ll say it again, your home is a sanctuary. I believe that taking care of your home is taking care of yourself. You have the opportunity to set up your house in a way that benefits your lifestyle and is a reflection of your personality. If you want to come home to a peaceful, rejuvenating and relaxing environment and just forget about the stress of the outside world, keep reading. This is how to transform your home into a peaceful sanctuary.

Ignite your senses

1. Get cosy

Think plush, soft and natural fabrics. From cushions, to rugs and even artwork, adding soft furnishings to your home will make it feel extra cozy and comforting. Don’t tell me you don’t love snuggling into your blanket on a cold winter’s day or getting out of bed and putting your feet on a soft shaggy rug?! Fabric is also great to absorb noise so it creates a more soothing relaxing environment.

2. Watch it live and grow

Carefully choose indoor plants to bring life and colour to your home. I am all for a minimal, neutral ambiance, I love its calming power, but I believe it needs a bit of colour to make it interesting, and what better pop of colour than a living plant?! Choose the right plant for you. Not because it is trendy or just pretty, but because you really like it and it is suitable for your home. There is something so satisfying and gratifying about taking care of plants, watching them grow bigger and getting new leaves!

3. Make it smell great

An odour can instantly have an impact on your general mood. Get candles or oils that suit different mood to perfume your atmosphere.

PRO TIP: always lit a small candle when you are working (and if you have a desk job), the subtle flame and the smell can really help you stay focused and calm.

4. Light it up

  • Natural light: Think about the atmosphere you would like to create with window furnishings: sheer see-through curtains will give you privacy and allow for a soft light to come in, Venetian blinds will create defined rays of sunshine/shadows in a more theatrical way.

  • Artifical light: stay away from cold white bulbs, maybe consider the colour changing ones. For example, I like having a red bulb in the bedroom, the lack of blue light helps you sleep better and it’s not too bright either. When choosing a lamp to decorate a room, think about the light it will create: is it going to shine down, up, all around. Smaller lamps creates a much serene and cozy atmosphere at night compared to the usual ceiling lights.

Take care of you Chi

1. Hide the Tech

We all know how all our electronic devices are emitting waves, and this can affect our energy. If you can, try and hide the technology. Put your modem behind a lamp, tidy up your cables and try not to have a home computer or office space in the main living areas.

Consider having a “command centre”, a place where you store and charge all your devices, so they are not scattered all around the house.

2. The 2 minute rule

Have you heard of the 2 min rule? If it takes less than two minutes, do it now? Following this rule could help you keep a tidy and clean house, which will give you more peace of mind.

Check how this blog post if you are keen to learn more about the 2 minute rule!

3. Sleep sleep sleep

A good sleep allows to you to reset and recharge the battery, don’t neglect it! It is crucial to your wellbeing. you can improve your sleep by implement some small changes to your bedroom, read all about it in my recent blog post How to Feng Shui your Bedroom for a Better Sleep 

4. Set up a quiet space

Try to find a space in your home that you can dedicate to meditation or just turn into a little bubble. It can be a room, an alcove or even the underside of the stairs! The important part is that the space allows you to disconnect from everything. I call my guest bedroom my bubble. I go there because it’s quiet and there isn’t any visual distractions such as dirty plates to wash or socks on the floor. You can use this space to meditate, workout, read or just watch netflix, totally up to you, and just you!




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